Regular Board Meeting Monday, 7/15/24 @ 3 pm

San Juan County Fire Protection District #2 Board of Fire Commissioners
Regular Meeting
Monday – 07/15/2024, 3PM
In-person: 45 Lavender Lane, Eastsound, WA

By phone via ZOOM: 253-205-0468 / Meeting ID: 845 0781 6560 / Passcode: 160155

Call to Order & Welcome
Commissioner Announcements

Additions or Modifications to the Agenda

Consent Agenda

1. Approval of Minutes
a. 2024-07-01
b. 2024-07-08

2. A/P, Payroll

Public Comment

2024-07-09 San Juan County Auditor financial services ending effective January 1, 2025

2024-07-15 Orcas Island Accountants

Chief’s Report

Committee Reports

Old Business

1. BOFC Vacancy
a. Discussion of candidates
b. Executive Session RCW 42.30.110(1)(h) “To evaluate the qualifications of a candidate for appointment to elective office. However, any interview of such candidate and final action appointing a candidate to elective office shall be in a meeting open to the public” Approx. 15 minutes
c. Continued discussion of candidates
d. Appointment of vacant position, possible action
e. Administration of Oath of Office for possible selected candidate

2. WSRB Results
a. Letter
b. Report
c. FAQ

3. Discussion of terms of employment of Acting Chief, possible action

4. Financial Reports
a. 2024-06-17 YTD Cashflow Report
b. 2024-07-01 RKG Historical Ending Cash Balances and Projections

5. Adoption of BOFC Policies
a. Policy 1114
b. Policy 1114-A
c. Policy 1114-B

6. Health Department MOU

7. 2024 Budget Amendment

8. 2025 Budget Process

Meeting Announcements/Adjournment

Next Regular Meeting: August 5th, 3PM at 45 Lavender Lane, Eastsound, WA, Station 21

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