WSRB Insurance Protection Class Report Released

EASTSOUND - The Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau (WSRB) has completed its evaluation of Orcas Island's fire protection capabilities related to fire insurance rating. San Juan County Fire District 2 is currently a Protection Class (PC) 6, with our recent evaluation indicating a change to PC 7.

The WSRB received information on the new volunteer firefighters, the various water systems on the island, the location of fire stations, fire engines, tenders, and firefighters, and their training, among other data. After incorporating all this new information into the evaluation, the resulting change in the evaluation was not enough to retain the district's PC 6 rating. The new PC 7 rating for San Juan County Fire District 2 will be effective October 1, 2024.

A PC 7 rating will apply to dwelling and commercial properties in the communities with 1) Standard fire hydrant distribution and water supply, and 2) Within five road miles of Fire Station 21 in Eastsound, 22 in Westsound, 23 in Rosario, 25 in Olga, or 27 in Doe Bay. Properties in the community not meeting the two (2) above requirements will receive a different PC rating.

Station 24 in Deer Harbor and Station 26 in Orcas Landing do not currently meet the minimum criteria to retain a PC 7. We need six volunteer firefighters living within five road miles of each station to meet the minimum criteria. Dwelling properties within five road miles of only these stations will have their PC rating changed to a PC 9 or 9A, depending on the distance to the next closest recognized responding fire station. “Due to the aging fleet of fire apparatus, not enough volunteer firefighters, and not having a dedicated training officer have impacted our overall rating”, states Interim Fire Chief Chad Kimple. If you are interested in volunteering, contact Volunteer Coordinator Lt. Kathryn (Kat) Barnard at

Protection Class ratings for individual dwellings and commercial properties are available by calling WSRB Customer Service at 206-217-0101 or emailing We recommend residents contact their insurance agents to determine the relative effect, if any, this new PC will have on their insurance premiums.

The new Protection Class Report is located online in the BOFC documents. This report shows the various items evaluated and the credit attained for each item. The WSRB survey was not conducted for property loss prevention or life safety purposes. The purpose was to gather information needed to determine a fire insurance-relevant Protection Class that may be used to develop fire insurance rates or Loss Costs. The evaluation criteria incorporate many nationally recognized standards, such as those developed by NFPA, ICC, and AWWA, and have been filed with and approved by the Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner.

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